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Surface Ig variable domain glycosylation affects autoantigen binding and acts as threshold for human autoreactive B cell activation
Surface Ig variable domain glycosylation affects autoantigen binding and acts as threshold for human autoreactive B cell activation
Profiling serum antibodies against muscle antigens in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy finds no disease-specific autoantibodies
Sequential Prodrug Strategy To Target and Eliminate ACPA-Selective Autoreactive B Cells
Cytosolic 5 '-nucleotidase 1A autoantibody profile and clinical characteristics in inclusion body myositis
Disease specificity of autoantibodies to cytosolic 5 '-nucleotidase 1A in sporadic inclusion body myositis versus known autoimmune diseases
Extensive glycosylation of ACPA-IgG variable domains modulates binding to citrullinated antigens in rheumatoid arthritis
Extensive glycosylation of ACPA-IgG variable domains modulates binding to citrullinated antigens in rheumatoid arthritis
The human peptidylarginine deiminases type 2 and type 4 have distinct substrate specificities
ACPA fine-specificity profiles in early rheumatoid arthritis patients do not correlate with clinical features at baseline or with disease progression
Autoantibodies to cytosolic 5 '-nucleotidase 1A in inclusion body myositis
Anti-citrullinated fibronectin antibodies in rheumatoid arthritis are associated with human leukocyte antigen-DRB1 shared epitope alleles
Epitope spreading of the anti-citrullinated protein antibody response occurs before disease onset and is associated with the disease course of early arthritis