Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Long-term outcomes for neoadjuvant versus adjuvant chemotherapy in early breast cancer: meta-analysis of individual patient data from ten randomised trials
Cause-specific mortality among patients with Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) up to 40 years after treatment
Results of a phase II pilot study of moderate dose radiotherapy for inoperable desmoid-type fibromatosis-an EORTC STBSG and ROG study (EORTC 62991-22998)
Second Cancer Risk 40 Years After Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment
Long-term cosmetic changes after breast-conserving treatment of patients with stage I-II breast cancer and included in the EORTC 'boost versus no boost' trial
Second cancer risk 40 years after cure for Hodgkin lymphoma
An increased utilisation rate and better compliance to guidelines for primary radiotherapy for breast cancer 1997 till 2008: a population-based study in the Netherlands