Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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ABCA1 gene variation and heart disease risk reduction in the elderly during pravastatin treatment
The ABCA1 gene variant and heart disease risk reduction in the elderly during pravastatin treatment
Genetic variation at the SLCO1B1 gene locus and low density lipoprotein cholesterol lowering response to pravastatin in the elderly
KIF6, LPA, TAS2R50, and VAMP8 genetic variation, low density lipoprotein cholesterol lowering response to pravastatin, and heart disease risk reduction in the elderly
C-Reactive Protein and Genetic Variants and Cognitive Decline in Old Age: The PROSPER Study
Genetic variation at the NPC1L1 gene locus, plasma lipoproteins, and heart disease risk in the elderly
Unraveling the Directional Link between Adiposity and Inflammation: A Bidirectional Mendelian Randomization Approach
Unraveling the Directional Link between Adiposity and Inflammation: A Bidirectional Mendelian Randomization Approach