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Potential targets for tumor-specific imaging of vulvar squamous cell carcinoma: a systematic review of candidate biomarkers
Mobile e-diary application facilitates the monitoring of patient-reported outcomes and a high treatment adherence for clinical trials in dermatology
Fertility-sparing surgery of cervical cancer >2 cm (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2009 stage IB1-IIA) after neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Pre-existing inflammatory immune microenvironment predicts the clinical response of vulvar high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions to therapeutic HPV16 vaccination
Vulvar Paget disease: A national retrospective cohort study
No effect of topical digoxin and furosemide gel for patients with external anogenital warts
No effect of topical digoxin and furosemide gel for patients with external anogenital warts
High numbers of activated helper T cells are associated with better clinical outcome in early stage vulvar cancer, irrespective of HPV or p53 status
Practical guidance for measuring and reporting surgical margins in vulvar cancer
Stereophotogrammetric three-dimensional photography is an accurate and precise planimetric method for the clinical visualization and quantification of human papilloma virus-induced skin lesions
Stereophotogrammetric three-dimensional photography is an accurate and precise planimetric method for the clinical visualization and quantification of human papilloma virus-induced skin lesions
Vulvar malignant melanoma: Pathogenesis, clinical behaviour and management: Review of the literature
The immune microenvironment in vulvar (pre)cancer: review of literature and implications for immunotherapy
The identification of patients at high risk for recurrent disease after treatment for early-stage cervical cancer
Impact of (chemo)radiotherapy on immune cell composition and function in cervical cancer patients
Genomic Characterization of Vulvar (Pre) cancers Identifies Distinct Molecular Subtypes with Prognostic Significance
Long-Term Oncological Outcome After Conventional Radical Hysterectomy Versus 2 Nerve-Sparing Modalities for Early Stage Cervical Cancer
Potential use of lymph node-derived HPV-specific T cells for adoptive cell therapy of cervical cancer
Stathmin is a highly sensitive and specific biomarker for vulvar high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions
The role of HPV and TP53-status in the prognosis of vulvar squamous cell carcinoma
