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Trophic transfer and toxicity of (mixtures of) Ag and TiO2 nanoparticles in the lettuce–terrestrial snail food chain
Dissolution Dynamics and Accumulation of Ag Nanoparticles in a Microcosm Consisting of a Soil–Lettuce–Rhizosphere Bacterial Community
The differences between the effects of a nano-formulation and a conventional form of atrazine to lettuce
Commonwealth of soil health
The importance of categorization of nanomaterials for environmental risk assessment
The crucial role of a protein corona in determining the aggregation kinetics and colloidal stability of polystyrene nanoplastics
Cyanobacterial blooms contribute to the diversity of antibiotic-resistance genes in aquatic ecosystems
Bioavailability and phytotoxicity of rare earth metals to Triticum aestivum under various exposure scenarios
Evaluating chemical similarity as a measure to identify potential substances of very high concern
Metal sorption onto nanoscale plastic debris and trojan horse effects in Daphnia magna: role of dissolved organic matter
Application of low dosage of copper oxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles boosts bacterial and fungal communities in soil
Quantifying the relative contribution of particulate versus dissolved silver to toxicity and uptake kinetics of silver nanowires in lettuce: impact of size and coating
Environmental impacts of III–V/silicon photovoltaics: life cycle assessment and guidance for sustainable manufacturing
Plastics in onze leefomgeving – hoe zit dat?
Thermochemical unification of molecular descriptors to predict radical hydrogen abstraction with low computational cost
Prediction of the joint toxicity of multiple engineered nanoparticles: the integration of classic mixture models and in silico methods
Interaction between a nano-formulation of atrazine and rhizosphere bacterial communities: atrazine degradation and bacterial community alterations
Micro(nano)plastics in aquatic organisms, transferability of knowledge from nanowires
Impact of CeO2 nanoparticles on the aggregation kinetics and stability of polystyrene nanoplastics: importance of surface functionalization and solution chemistry
Rethinking nano-TiO(2) safety: overview of toxic effects in humans and aquatic animals
