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Identical and Nonidentical Twins: Risk and Factors Involved in Development of Islet Autoimmunity and Type 1 Diabetes
The challenge of modulating beta-cell autoimmunity in type 1 diabetes
Antigen-based immune modulation therapy for type 1 diabetes: the era of precision medicine
Molecular Pathways for Immune Recognition of Preproinsulin Signal Peptide in Type 1 Diabetes
Understanding and preventing type 1 diabetes through the unique working model of TrialNet (Pg 2139, Vol 60, 2017)
Understanding and preventing type 1 diabetes through the unique working model of TrialNet
Effect of Oral Insulin on Prevention of Diabetes in Relatives of Patients With Type 1 Diabetes A Randomized Clinical Trial
Immunogenicity of human embryonic stem cell-derived beta cells
Dendritic Cells Guide Islet Autoimmunity through a Restricted and Uniquely Processed Peptidome Presented by High-Risk HLA-DR
Discovery of a Selective Islet Peptidome Presented by the Highest-Risk HLA-DQ8trans Molecule
Innate and adaptive immunity to human beta cell lines: implications for beta cell therapy
Proinsulin multi-peptide immunotherapy induces antigen-specific regulatory T cells and limits autoimmunity in a humanized model
Identification and characterisation of peptide binding motifs of six autoimmune disease-associated human leukocyte antigen-class I molecules including HLA-B*39:06
Posttranslational Modification of HLA-DQ Binding Islet Autoantigens in Type 1 Diabetes
Genetically Engineered Human Islets Protected From CD8-mediated Autoimmune Destruction In Vivo
Progress in immune-based therapies for type 1 diabetes
Circulating Preproinsulin Signal Peptide-Specific CD8 T Cells Restricted by the Susceptibility Molecule HLA-A24 Are Expanded at Onset of Type 1 Diabetes and Kill beta-Cells
Antigen targets of type 1 diabetes autoimmunity
Structural basis for the killing of human beta cells by CD8(+) T cells in type 1 diabetes
Diabetogenic T lymphocytes in human Type 1 diabetes
