Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Evidence for policy-makers
The potential of consecutive qualitative comparative analysis as a systematic strategy for configurational theorizing
The monitoring and evaluation challenges of the sustainable development goals
Out of the ivory tower
Understanding evaluation use from an organisational perspective
Policy learning type shifts during creeping crises
Trust, but verify? Understanding citizen attitudes toward evidence-informed policy making
Polder politics under pressure
Belgium: struggling with solidarity
The politics of evaluation
How are evidence and policy conceptualised, and how do they connect?
Formal agenda-setting government tools
Designing for coordination
Evaluatie gebruik bijlage CW3.1 door Tweede Kamer
Why do Ministers Ask for Policy Evaluation Studies? The Case of the Flemish Government
Effectiviteit vaststellen binnen de Vlaamse overheid: Over willen, kunnen en doen.
De Kinderombudsman op de kaart. Lessen voor de toekomst uit de Evaluatie Wet Kinderombudsman
