Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Designed nanomolar small-molecule inhibitors of Ena/VASP EVH1 interaction impair invasion and extravasation of breast cancer cells
A 3-D structural model of solid self-assembled chlorophyll a/H2O from multispin labeling and MAS NMR 2-D dipolar correllation spectroscopy in high magnetic field
2D13C-13C MAS NMR Correlation spectroscopy with mixing by true 1H spin diffusion reveals long-range intermolecular distance restraints in ultra high magnetic field
Secondary chemical shifts in immobilized peptides and proteins
Backbone and side-chain C-13 and N-15 signal assignments of the alpha-spectrin SH3 domain by magic angle spinning solid-state NMR at 17.6 Tesla
Sample optimization and identification of signal patterns of amino acid side chains in 2D RFDR spectra of the alpha-spectrin SH3 domain
MAS NMR structure refinement of uniformly 13C enriched chlorophyll a/water aggregates with 2D dipolar correlation spectroscopy