Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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(41 - 60 of 63)


Hundreds-fold sensitivity enhancement of photothermal microscopy in near-critical Xenon
Super-resolution localization and defocused fluorescence microscopy on resonantly coupled single-molecule, single-nanorod hybrids
Spectroscopy of single dibenzoterrylene molecules in para-dichlorobenzene
Design and synthesis of aromatic molecules for probing electric fields at the nanoscale
Temperature-cycle microscopy reveals single-molecule conformational heterogeneity
Superresolution techniques, biophysics with nanostructures, and fluorescence energy transfer: general discussion
Single-Molecule Chemistry is More than Superresolved Fluorescence Microscopy
Electron energy loss of terrylene deposited on Au(111)
Fast, Label-Free Tracking of Single Viruses and Weakly Scattering Nanoparticles in a Nanofluidic Optical Fiber
Enhanced-fluorescence correlation spectroscopy at micromolar dye concentration around a single gold nanorod
Explosive formation and dynamics of vapor nanobubbles around a continuously heated gold nanosphere
Optical tracing of multiple charges in single-electron devices
Single Molecule as a Local Acoustic Detector for Mechanical Oscillators
Giant Magnetic Susceptibility of Gold Nanorods Detected by Magnetic Alignment
Giant Magnetic Susceptibility of Gold Nanorods Detected by Magnetic Alignment
Optical detection of single non-absorbing molecules using the surface plasmon resonance  of a gold nanorod
Brownian fluctuations and heating of an optically aligned gold nanorod
Photothermal correlation spectroscopy of gold nanoparticles in solution
Single molecules detect ultra-slow oscillators in a molecular crystal excited by ac-voltages
Soft glassy rheology of Supercooled molecular liquids
