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The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: Search for [CII] Line and Dust Emission in 6 < z < 8 Galaxies
A Remarkably Luminous Galaxy at z=11.1 Measured with Hubble Space Telescope Grism Spectroscopy
The Lyman-Continuum Photon Production Efficiency ξ_ion of z ~ 4-5 Galaxies from IRAC-based Hα Measurements: Implications for the Escape Fraction and Cosmic Reionization
Inferred Hα Flux as a Star Formation Rate Indicator at z ~ 4-5: Implications for Dust Properties, Burstiness, and the z = 4-8 Star Formation Rate Functions
Rest-frame Optical Emission Lines in z ~ 3.5 Lyman-break-selected Galaxies: The Ubiquity of Unusually High [OIII]/Hβ Ratios at 2 Gyr
Mean Hα+[N ii]+[S ii] EW inferred for star-forming galaxies atz ~ 5.1-5.4 using high-qualitySpitzer/IRAC photometry
Mean Hα+[N ii]+[S ii] EW inferred for star-forming galaxies atz ~ 5.1-5.4 using high-qualitySpitzer/IRAC photometry
Ultradeep IRAC Imaging Over the HUDF and GOODS-South: Survey Design and Imaging Data Release
High-precision Photometric Redshifts from Spitzer/IRAC: Extreme [3.6] - [4.5] Colors Identify Galaxies in the Redshift Range z ~ 6.6 - 6.9
Reionization After Planck: The Derived Growth of the Cosmic Ionizing Emissivity Now Matches the Growth of the Galaxy UV Luminosity Density
UV Luminosity Functions at Redshifts z ~ 4 to z~10: 10,000 Galaxies from HST Legacy Fields
Lyman α Emission from a Luminous z = 8.68 Galaxy: Implications for Galaxies as Tracers of Cosmic Reionization
First Frontier Field Constraints on the Cosmic Star Formation Rate Density at z ~ 10-The Impact of Lensing Shear on Completeness of High-redshift Galaxy Samples
A Spectroscopic Redshift Measurement for a Luminous Lyman Break Galaxy at z = 7.730 Using Keck/MOSFIRE
Probing the Dawn of Galaxies at z ~ 9-12: New Constraints from HUDF12/XDF and CANDELS data
A Rest-frame Optical View on z ~ 4 Galaxies. I. Color and Age Distributions from Deep IRAC Photometry of the IUDF10 and GOODS Surveys
