Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Two-year neurodevelopmental outcome in children born extremely preterm: the EPI-DAF study
Interprofessional consensus regarding design requirements for liquid-based perinatal life support (PLS) technology
Terminating pregnancy for severe hypertension when the fetus is considered non-viable: a retrospective cohort study
Termination of pregnancy for maternal indications at the limits of fetal viability: a retrospective cohort study in the Dutch tertiary care centres
Identification of cases with adverse neonatal outcome monitored by cardiotocography versus ST analysis: secondary analysis of a randomized trial
A clinical prediction model to assess the risk of operative delivery
Prediction of Neonatal Metabolic Acidosis in Women with a Singleton Term Pregnancy in Cephalic Presentation
Fetal blood sampling in addition to intrapartum ST-analysis of the fetal electrocardiogram: evaluation of the recommendations in the Dutch STAN (R) trial