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Functional connectivity of the visual cortex in chronic migraine before and after medication withdrawal therapy
Temporal expectation hastens decision onset but does not affect evidence quality
Effects of arousal on biased competition in attention and short-term memory
The neuromodulatory and hormonal effects of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation as evidenced by salivary alpha amylase, salivary cortisol, pupil diameter, and the P3 event-related potential
Quantifying the contrast of the human locus coeruleus in vivo at 7 Tesla MRI
Quantifying the contrast of the human locus coeruleus in vivo at 7 Tesla MRI
Noradrenergic and Cholinergic Modulation of Belief Updating
Amplification and Suppression of Distinct Brainwide Activity Patterns by Catecholamines
Cathecholaminergic manipulation alters dynamic network topology across cognitive states
In vivo visualization of the locus coeruleus in humans: quantifying the test-retest reliability
Error Blindness and Motivational Significance: Shifts in Networks Centering on Anterior Insula Co-Vary with Error Awareness and Pupil Dilation.
No arousal-biased competition in focused visuospatial attention
The effect of atomoxetine on random and directed exploration in humans
The effect of atomoxetine on random ad directed exploration in humans
Norepinephrine transporter blocker atomoxetine increases salivary alpha amylase
Catecholaminergic Neuromodulation Shapes Intrinsic MRI Functional Connectivity in the Human Brain
Catecholaminergic Neuromodulation Shapes Intrinsic MRI Functional Connectivity in the Human Brain
Catecholamine-Mediated Increases in Gain Enhance the Precision of Cortical Representations (vol 36, pg 5699, 2016)
Catecholamine-Mediated Increases in Gain Enhance the Precision of Cortical Representations
Cognitive control, dynamic salience, and the imperative toward computational accounts of neuromodulatory function.
