Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Life stage-specific glycosylation of extracellular vesicles from Schistosoma mansoni schistosomula and adult worms drives differential interaction with C-type lectin receptors DC-SIGN and MGL
Unraveling cross-reactivity of anti-glycan IgG responses in filarial nematode infections
Alteration of rhesus macaque serum N-glycome during infection with the human parasitic filarial nematode Brugia malayi
Mass spectrometric and glycan microarray-based characterization of the filarial nematode Brugia malayi glycome reveals anionic and zwitterionic glycan antigens
Beta-hexosaminidases along the secretory pathway of nicotiana benthamiana have distinct specificities toward engineered helminth N-glycans on recombinant glycoproteins
Generation of glucosylated sn-1-glycerolphosphate teichoic acids
Generation of glucosylated sn-1-glycerolphosphate teichoic acids
Functional characterization of Schistosoma mansoni fucosyltransferases in Nicotiana benthamiana plants
DC-SIGN mediated internalisation of glycosylated extracellular vesicles from Schistosoma mansoni increases activation of monocyte-derived dendritic cells
Identification, recombinant protein production, and functional analysis of a M60-like metallopeptidase, secreted by the liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini
DC-SIGN mediated internalisation of glycosylated extracellular vesicles from Schistosoma mansoni increases activation of monocyte-derived dendritic cells
Tegument Glycoproteins and Cathepsins of Newly Excysted Juvenile Fasciola hepatica Carry Mannosidic and Paucimannosidic N-glycans
Novel O-linked methylated glycan antigens decorate secreted immunodominant glycoproteins from the intestinal nematode Heligmosomoides polygyrus
The N-glycan on Asn54 affects the atypical N-glycan composition of plant-produced interleukin-22, but does not influence its activity
Glycomic Analysis of Life Stages of the Human Parasite Schistosoma mansoni Reveals Developmental Expression Profiles of Functional and Antigenic Glycan Motifs
Monomeric IgA can be produced in planta as efficient as IgG, yet receives different N-glycans
In-Depth Proteomic and Glycomic Analysis of the Adult-Stage Cooperia oncophora Excretome/Secretome