Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Goal ontology for personalized learning and its implementation in child's health self-management support
Users’ needs for a digital smoking cessation application and how to address them
Interactive Education on Sleep Hygiene with a Social Robot at a Pediatric Oncology Outpatient Clinic: Feasibility, Experiences, and Preliminary Effectiveness
Guided or factual computer support for kidney patients with different experience levels and medical health situations: preferences and usage
Self-Monitoring Kidney Function Post Transplantation: Reliability of Patient-Reported Data
Self-monitoring kidney function post transplantation: Reliability of patient-reported data
Renal transplant patient acceptance of a self-management support system
Detecting work stress in offices by combining unobtrusive sensors
Patient experiences with self-monitoring renal function after renal transplantation: results from a single-center prospective pilot study
Patient experiences with self-monitoring renal function after renal transplantation: Results from a single-center prospective pilot study