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The relationship between publication of high-quality evidence and changes in the volume and trend of subacromial decompression surgery for patients with subacromial pain syndrome in hospitals across Australia, Europe and the United States
Ageing and joint position sense of the asymptomatic shoulder
Ageing and joint position sense of the asymptomatic shoulder
Ageing and joint position sense of the asymptomatic shoulder
Treatment of neurogenic scapular winging: a systematic review on outcomes after nonsurgical management and tendon transfer surgery
The reliability of revision rates following primary shoulder arthroplasty as a quality indicator to rank hospital performance
Shoulder internal rotation contracture formation in surgically managed C5, C6 brachial plexus birth injuries neurotmetic lesions fare worse than avulsions
Pain does not explain reduced teres major co-contraction during abduction in patients with Subacromial Pain Syndrome
‘Frozen shoulder’
Kinematics and muscle activation in subacromial pain syndrome patients and asymptomatic controls
Reduced psychosocial functioning in subacromial pain syndrome is associated with persistence of complaints after 4 years
Shoulder movement complexity in the aging shoulder
Reduced force entropy in subacromial pain syndrome
The effect of conservative therapies on proprioception in subacromial pain syndrome
What range of motion is achieved 5 years after external rotationplasty of the shoulder in infants with an obstetric brachial plexus injury?
Middle-aged adults cocontract with arm ADductors during arm ABduction, while young adults do not. Adaptations to preserve pain-free function?
Altered Cocontraction Patterns of Humeral Head Depressors in Patients with Subacromial Pain Syndrome: A Cross-sectional Electromyography Analysis
Response to Beaudreuil and Orcel regarding: "Increased co-contraction of arm adductors is associated with a favorable course in subacromial pain syndrome''
Increased co-contraction of arm adductors is associated with a favorable course in subacromial pain syndrome
