Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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An observation checklist for use by residential social workers in juvenile justice institutions
The development of adolescents in a non-residential alternative educational facility, including the prevention of secure residential placement
Change over time: the use of seclusion in secure residential youth care in The Netherlands
Practical recommendations for youth care professionals to improve evaluation and reflection during multidisciplinary team discussions
Predicting youth reoffending after incarceration
What do parents expect in the 21st century?
An integrated approach to meet the needs of high-vulnerable families
Verschillend organiseren, verschillend functioneren? De invloed van de organisatie van Jeugd- (en Gezins)teams op het teamfunctioneren.
Towards integrated youth care
How Do Forensic Clinicians Decide? A Delphi Approach to Identify Domains Commonly Used in Forensic Juvenile Treatment Planning
The inter-rater reliability of observing aggression: A systematic literature review
Serious juvenile offenders: classification into subgroups based on static and dynamic charateristics
Many, more, most: four risk profiles of adolescents in residential care with major psychiatric problems
Childhood traumatic experiences and mental health problems in sexually offending and non-sexually offending juveniles
The Association Between Childhood Maltreatment, Mental Health Problems, and Aggression in Justice-Involved Boys
Trauma and Mental Health Problems in Adolescent Males: Differences Between Childhood-Onset and Adolescent-Onset Offenders