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Quantitative determination of DNA bridging efficiency of chromatin proteins
Nicotiana benthamiana α-galactosidase A1.1 can functionally complement human α-galactosidase A deficiency associated with Fabry disease
Nicotiana benthamiana -galactosidase A1.1 can functionally complement human -galactosidase A deficiency associated with Fabry disease
Controlling with light the interaction between trans-tetrapyridyl ruthenium complexes and an oligonucleotide
Human Alpha Galactosidases Transiently Produced in Nicotiana benthamiana Leaves: New Insights in Substrate Specificities with Relevance for Fabry Disease
Human Alpha Galactosidases Transiently Produced in Nicotiana benthamiana Leaves: New Insights in Substrate Specificities with Relevance for Fabry Disease
Large-scale in vitro production, refolding and dimerization of PsbS in different microenvironments
Large-scale in vitro production, refolding and dimerization of PsbS in different microenvironments
Mechanism of environmentally driven conformational changes that modulate H-NS DNA-bridging activity
Diverse architectural properties of Sso10a proteins: Evidence for a role in chromatin compaction and organization
OsdR of Streptomyces coelicolor and the dormancy regulator DevR of Mycobacterium tuberculosis control overlapping regulons
The Architects of the Archaeal Chromatin
Crystal structure of the DNA repair enzyme ultraviolet damage endonuclease
Base flipping in nucleotide excision repair
Catalytic sites for 3'- and 5' incision of Escherichia coli nucleotide excision repair are both located in UvrC.
The role of ATP binding and hydrolysis by UvrB during nucleotide excision repair
The effect of the DNA flanking the lesion on formation of the UvrB-DNA preincision complex - Mechanism for the UvrA-mediated loading of UvrB onto a DNA damaged site
Characterization of the Escherichia coli damage-independent UvrBC endonuclease activity.