Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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H2S observations in young stellar disks in Taurus
Searching for Hα  emitting sources around MWC 758. SPHERE/ZIMPOL high-contrast imaging
DZ Chamaeleontis: a bona fide photoevaporating disc
Incidence of debris discs around FGK stars in the solar neighbourhood
Probing Stellar Accretion with Mid-infrared Hydrogen Lines
ALMA observations of α Centauri. First detection of main-sequence stars at 3 mm wavelength
DIGIT survey of far-infrared lines from protoplanetary discs. II. CO
Dynamics of the circumstellar gas in the Herbig Ae stars BF Orionis, SV Cephei, WW Vulpeculae and XY Persei
Study of the properties and spectral energy distributions of the Herbig AeBe stars HD 34282 and HD 141569