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High-resolution international LOFAR observations of 4C 43.15
The 700 ks Chandra Spiderweb Field. I.
Accretion mode versus radio morphology in the LOFAR Deep Fields
The LOFAR LBA sky survey
The LOFAR view of FR 0 radio galaxies
Cassiopeia A, Cygnus A, Taurus A, and Virgo A at ultra-low radio frequencies
The MURALES survey. I. A dual AGN in the radio galaxy 3C 459?
The Lockman Hole project: LOFAR observations and spectral index properties of low-frequency radio sources
The Lockman Hole project: LOFAR observations and spectral index properties of low-frequency radio sources
LOFAR Facet Calibration
Subarcsecond international LOFAR radio images of the M82 nucleus at 118 MHz and 154 MHz
AGN duty cycle estimates for the ultra-steep spectrum radio relic VLSS J1431.8+1331
An excess of dusty starbursts related to the Spiderweb galaxy
LOFAR: The LOw-Frequency ARray