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Misclassification of stunting, underweight and wasting in children 0-5 years of South Asian and Dutch descent
Determinants of (non-)attendance at the Dutch cancer screening programmes: A systematic review
Agreement between measurement of 25-hydroxyvitamin D-3 in dried blood spot samples and serum in a Chinese population in the Netherlands
Agreement between measurement of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in dried blood spot samples and serum in a Chinese population in the Netherlands
Effect of neighbourhood socioeconomic status on overweight and obesity in children 2-15 years of different ethnic groups
BMI-for-age in South Asian children of 0-20 years in the Netherlands: secular changes and misclassification by WHO growth references
What do we learn from comparing ethnic-specific and WHO child growth references?
Development of the Social Network-Based Intervention "Powerful Together with Diabetes" Using Intervention Mapping
Recruitment and retention in a 10-month social network-based intervention promoting diabetes self-management in socioeconomically deprived patients: a qualitative process evaluation
Effectiveness of a targeted lifestyle intervention in primary care on diet and physical activity among South Asians at risk for diabetes: 2-year results of a randomised controlled trial in the Netherlands
Vitamin D status and bone mineral density in the Chinese population: a review
Impact of a social network-based intervention promoting diabetes self-management in socioeconomically deprived patients: a qualitative evaluation of the intervention strategies
Vitamin D status in the Chinese population in the Netherlands: The DRAGON study
Vitamin D status in the Chinese population in the Netherlands: The DRAGON study
Vitamin D status and bone mineral density in the Chinese population: a review
Response and participation of underserved populations after a three-step invitation strategy for a cardiometabolic health check
Response and participation of underserved populations after a three-step invitation strategy for a cardiometabolic health check
Effects of Preventive Family Service Coordination for Parents With Mental Illnesses and Their Children, a RCT
