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Patient preferences in treatment options of ulcerative colitis
Smoking and colorectal neoplasia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Local administration of mesenchymal stromal cells is safe and modulates the immune compartment in ulcerative proctitis
Increased versus conventional adalimumab dose interval for patients with Crohn's disease in stable remission (LADI)
Superior effectiveness of tofacitinib compared to vedolizumab in anti-TNF-experienced ulcerative colitis patients
Superior effectiveness of tofacitinib compared to vedolizumab in anti-TNF-experienced ulcerative colitis patients
Superior effectiveness of tofacitinib compared to vedolizumab in anti-TNF-experienced ulcerative colitis patients
Anemia and iron deficiency in outpatients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Anemia and iron deficiency in outpatients with inflammatory bowel disease
Anemia and iron deficiency in outpatients with inflammatory bowel disease
Effectiveness and safety of tofacitinib for ulcerative colitis
Effectiveness and safety of tofacitinib for ulcerative colitis
Effectiveness and safety of tofacitinib for ulcerative colitis
Cytokine mixtures mimicking the local milieu in patients with inflammatory bowel disease impact phenotype and function of mesenchymal stromal cells
Deficits in geriatric assessment associate with disease activity and burden in older patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Outcome of reverse switching from CT-P13 to originator infliximab in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Disease activity in inflammatory bowel disease patients is associated with increased liver fat content and liver fibrosis during follow-up
Ustekinumab for Crohn's disease
Health outcomes of 1000 children born to mothers with inflammatory bowel disease in their first 5 years of life
Contribution of CD3(+)CD8(-) and CD3(+)CD8(+) T cells to TNF-alpha overexpression in crohn disease-associated perianal fistulas and induction of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in HT-29 cells
