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A matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization—mass spectrometry assay for the relative quantitation of antennary fucosylated N-glycans in human plasma
Deubiquitinase activity profiling identifies UCHL1 as a candidate oncoprotein that promotes TGFβ-induced breast cancer metastasis
Dried blood spot N-glycome analysis by MALDI mass spectrometry
Prognostic value of low CDX2 expression in colorectal cancers with a high stromal content - a short report
Computer aided quantification of intratumoral stroma yields an independent prognosticator in rectal cancer
Outcomes following pancreatic surgery using three different thromboprophylaxis regimens
Increased expression of cancer-associated fibroblast markers at the invasive front and its association with tumor-stroma ratio in colorectal cancer
The prognostic value of tumour-stroma ratio in primary breast cancer with special attention to triple-negative tumours: a review
The intra-tumoural stroma in patients with breast cancer increases with age
The prognostic value of tumor-stroma ratio in tumor-positive axillary lymph nodes of breast cancer patients
Scoring the tumor-stroma ratio in colon cancer: procedure and recommendations
Automated Plasma Glycomics with Linkage-Specific Sialic Acid Esterification and Ultrahigh Resolution MS
The tumour-stroma ratio in colon cancer: the biological role and its prognostic impact
Predictive potential of tumour-stroma ratio on benefit from adjuvant bevacizumab in high-risk stage II and stage III colon cancer
Prognostic value of tumor-stroma ratio combined with the immune status of tumors in invasive breast carcinoma
The value of additional bevacizumab in patients with high-risk stroma-high colon cancer. A study within the QUASAR2 trial, an open-label randomized phase 3 trial
In reply to Hynes et al.: "Back to the future: routine morphological assessment of the tumour microenvironment is prognostic in stages II/III colon cancer in a large population-based study'
Revealing determinant factors for early breast cancer recurrence by decision tree
Prognostic value of tumor-stroma ratio combined with the immune status of tumors in invasive breast carcinoma
The prognostic value of the tumour-stroma ratio in primary operable invasive cancer of the breast: a validation study
