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A survey of recent developments in testability, safety and security of RISC-V processors
Introduction to the special section on FPL 2020
Low-rate Overuse Flow Tracer (LOFT)
Hardware-oriented optimization of Bloom filter algorithms and architectures for ultra-high-speed lookups in network applications
In-depth energy analysis of security algorithms and protocols for the Internet of Things
Novel non-cryptographic hash functions for networking and security applications on FPGA
Towards real-time deep learning-based network intrusion detection on FPGA
Enhanced end-to-end security through symmetric-key cryptography in wearable medical sensor networks
Speed records in network flow measurement on FPGA
AITIA: embedded AI techniques for industrial applications
Trusted configuration in cloud FPGAs
Communication and security trade-offs for battery-powered devices
Side-channel countermeasures utilizing dynamic logic reconfiguration
PROOFS 2018 Editorial