Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Pragmatic trial on inhaled corticosteroid withdrawal in patients with COPD in general practice
Validation of online asthma control questionnaire and asthma quality of life questionnaire
Validation of online asthma control questionnaire and asthma quality of life questionnaire
Long-Term Outcomes of Internet-Based Self-Management Support in Adults With Asthma: Randomized Controlled Trial
Long-Term Outcomes of Internet-Based Self-Management Support in Adults With Asthma: Randomized Controlled Trial
One-Hour Training for General Practitioners in Reducing the Implementation Gap of Smoking Cessation Care: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial
Implementation strategies of internet-based asthma self-management support in usual care. Study protocol for the IMPASSE cluster randomized trial
Internet-based self-management compared with usual care in adolescents with asthma: A randomized controlled trial
A Tailored Training Increases General Practitioners' Smoking Cessation Care and Related Behavioral Attributes
Internet-based self-management compared with usual care in adolescents with asthma: A randomized controlled trial
Bridging the gap between public health and primary care in prevention of cardiometabolic diseases; background of and experiences with the Prevention Consultation in The Netherlands
Assessment of Appropriateness of Screening Community-Dwelling Older People to Prevent Functional Decline
Evaluating the evidence for the implementation of C-reactive protein measurement in adult patients with suspected lower respiratory tract infection in primary care: a systematic review
Cost-Effectiveness of Internet-Based Self-Management Compared with Usual Care in Asthma
Aspirin am or pm?: a randomized cross-over trial
Chronic kidney disease in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 or hypertension in general practice
Assessment of evidence for screening community-dwelling older people
Weekly self-monitoring and treatment adjustment benefit patients with partly controlled and uncontrolled asthma: an analysis of the SMASHING study
Internet-based self-management in asthma