Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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The James Clerk Maxwell Telescope Nearby Galaxies Legacy Survey - IX. (CO)-C-12 J=3 -> 2 observations of NGC 2976 and NGC 3351
The distribution of dust around Asymptotic Giant Branch stars
OH/IR stars close to the Galactic Centre. I - Observational data
H2O sources near the galactic plane - A pilot systematic survey
OH/IR stars within 50 parsecs of the Galactic center
OH/IR stars within one degree of the galactic centre
First observations with the Effelsberg Radio Telescope at 7-mm wavelength. II - A survey of stars in the vibrationally excited J equals 1-0 SiO lines
OH/IR sources near the galactic center
A systematic search at 1612 MHz for OH maser sources. I - Survey near the Galactic Centre
Observations of H II regions near OH 43.79 - 0.13 and OH 48.61 + 0.02
Compact H II regions near Type I OH maser sources. IV
Identification of type I OH masers with very small H II regions