Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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The MUSE Extremely Deep Field
Revealing the impact of quasar luminosity on giant Ly α nebulae
Revealing the impact of quasar luminosity on giant Ly α nebulae
The evolution of rest-frame UV properties, Ly α EWs, and the SFR-stellar mass relation at z ∼ 2-6 for SC4K LAEs
Resolved Lyman-α properties of a luminous Lyman-break galaxy in a large ionized bubble at z = 6.53
Resolved Lyman-α properties of a luminous Lyman-break galaxy in a large ionised bubble at z = 6.53
Resolved UV and [C II] Structures of Luminous Galaxies within the Epoch of Reionization
The clustering of typical Ly α emitters from z < 2.5-6: host halo masses depend on Ly α and UV luminosities
The origin of scatter in the star formation rate-stellar mass relation
On the nature and physical conditions of the luminous Ly α emitter CR7 and its rest-frame UV components
Identifying the origins of galaxy formation
A 1.4 deg^2 blind survey for C II], C III] and C IV at z ~ 0.7-1.5 - I. Nature, morphologies and equivalent widths
A 1.4 deg^2 blind survey for C II], C III] and C IV at z ~ 0.7-1.5 - II. Luminosity functions and cosmic average line ratios
The production and escape of Lyman-Continuum radiation from star-forming galaxies at z {sim} 2 and their redshift evolution
The CALYMHA survey: Lyα luminosity function and global escape fraction of Lyα photons at z = 2.23
A 1.4 deg^2 blind survey for C II], C III] and C IV at z ~ 0.7-1.5 - II. Luminosity functions and cosmic average line ratios
The origin of scatter in the stellar mass-halo mass relation of central galaxies in the EAGLE simulation
Spectroscopic properties of luminous Ly α emitters at z ≈ 6-7 and comparison to the Lyman-break population
The KMOS Deep Survey (KDS) - I. Dynamical measurements of typical star-forming galaxies at z ≃ 3.5
