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Von Willebrand factor neutralizing and non-neutralizing alloantibodies in 213 subjects with type 3 von Willebrand disease enrolled in 3WINTERS-IPS
Von Willebrand factor propeptide and pathophysiological mechanisms in European and Iranian patients with type 3 von Willebrand disease enrolled in the 3WINTERS-IPS study
Genotypes of European and Iranian patients with type 3 von Willebrand disease enrolled in 3WINTERS-IPS
The nature of CR7 revealed with MUSE: a young starburst powering extended Ly emission at z = 6.6
Ubiquitous Giant Lyα Nebulae around the Brightest Quasars at z ∼3.5 Revealed with MUSE
Muse Gas Flow and Wind (MEGAFLOW). I. First MUSE Results on Background Quasars
STAT5B mutations in heterozygous state have negative impact on height: another clue in human stature heritability
Heterozygous STAT5b Gene Mutations: Impact on Clinical Phenotype