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Self-restoration of cardiac excitation rhythm by anti-arrhythmic ion channel gating
Optogenetics enables real-time spatiotemporal control over spiral wave dynamics in an excitable cardiac system
Response by Feola et al to Letter Regarding Article, "Localized Optogenetic Targeting of Rotors in Atrial Cardiomyocyte Monolayers"
Localized Optogenetic Targeting of Rotors in Atrial Cardiomyocyte Monolayers
Optogenetic manipulation of anatomical re-entry by light-guided generation of a reversible local conduction block
A Mathematical Model of Neonatal Rat Atrial Monolayers with Constitutively Active Acetylcholine-Mediated K+ Current
Islands of spatially discordant APD alternans underlie arrhythmogenesis by promoting electrotonic dyssynchrony in models of fibrotic rat ventricular myocardium
Forced fusion of human ventricular scar cells with cardiomyocytes suppresses arrhythmogenicity in a co-culture model
Turbulent electrical activity at sharp-edged inexcitable obstacles in a model for human cardiac tissue