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(1 - 12 of 12)
Powerful Activity in the Bright Ages. I. A Visible/IR Survey of High Redshift 3C Radio Galaxies and Quasars
The elusive active nucleus of NGC 4945
HST images and properties of the most distant radio galaxies
A new HST image of Cygnus A .
A powerful radio galaxy at z=3.6 in a giant rotating Lyman α halo.
CCD imaging of ultra-steep-spectrum radio sources.
HST observations of Cygnus A: Circumnuclear effects of a powerful jet?
TX0211-122: A starburst radio galaxy at Z = 2.34?
An Advanced Camera for HST
The radio and optical structure of 3C 66B
Hubble Space Telescope imaging of distant galaxies - 4C 41.17 at Z = 3.8
Polarization of the jet of PKS 0521 - 36