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Large dust gaps in the transitional disks of HD 100453 and HD 34282. Connecting the gap size to the spectral energy distribution and mid-infrared imaging
Location and sizes of forsterite grains in protoplanetary disks. Interpretation from the Herschel DIGIT programme
SEEDS Adaptive Optics Imaging of the Asymmetric Transition Disk Oph IRS 48 in Scattered Light
Micron-sized forsterite grains in the pre-planetary nebula of IRAS 17150-3224. Searching for clues to the mysterious evolution of massive AGB stars
Tracing the evolution of protoplanetary disks
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon ionization as a tracer of gas flows through protoplanetary disk gaps
The 69 {$μ$}m forsterite band in spectra of protoplanetary disks. Results from the Herschel DIGIT programme
The 69 {$μ$}m forsterite band in spectra of protoplanetary disks. Results from the Herschel DIGIT programme
DIGIT survey of far-infrared lines from protoplanetary discs. II. CO
Identifying gaps in flaring Herbig Ae/Be disks using spatially resolved mid-infrared imaging. Are all group I disks transitional?
RCW36: characterizing the outcome of massive star formation