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Early surgery versus conservative treatment in patients with traumatic intracerebral hematoma
Comparative effectiveness of decompressive craniectomy versus craniotomy for traumatic acute subdural hematoma (CENTER-TBI)
Prognostic models for global functional outcome and post-concussion symptoms following mild traumatic brain injury
Mortality prediction in severe traumatic brain injury using traditional and machine learning algorithms
Impact of sociodemographic, premorbid, and injury-related factors on patient-reported outcome trajectories after traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Treatment of acute subdural haematoma Authors' reply
Serum biomarkers identify critically ill traumatic brain injury patients for MRI
Traumatic brain injury: progress and challenges in prevention, clinical care, and research
Surgery versus conservative treatment for traumatic acute subdural haematoma
Correction to: Management of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury
Comparative effectiveness of intracranial hypertension management guided by ventricular versus intraparenchymal pressure monitoring
Management of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: an update for the intensivist
Serum metabolome associated with severity of acute traumatic brain injury
Challenges encountered in surgical traumatic brain injury research
Decompressive craniectomy practice following traumatic brain injury in comparison with randomized trials
Opportunities and challenges in high-quality contemporary data collection in traumatic brain injury
A genome-wide association study of outcome from traumatic brain injury
Pharmaceutical venous thrombosis prophylaxis in critically ill traumatic brain injury patients
Relationship of admission blood proteomic biomarkers levels to lesion type and lesion burden in traumatic brain injury
