Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Longitudinal study of changes in gamma delta T cells and CD4+ T cells upon asymptomatic malaria infection in Indonesian children
Community deworming alleviates geohelminth-induced immune hyporesponsiveness
Epidemiology of Plasmodium infections in Flores Island, Indonesia using real-time PCR
The Effect of Three-Monthly Albendazole Treatment on Malarial Parasitemia and Allergy: A Household-Based Cluster-Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial
NF135.C10: A New Plasmodium falciparum Clone for Controlled Human Malaria Infections
Association of In Utero Sensitization to Schistosoma haematobium with Enhanced Cord Blood IgE and Increased Frequencies of CD5-B Cells in African Newborns
ABO blood group and the risk of placental malaria in sub-Saharan Africa
Wormy mothers, healthy babies: case closed or conundrum?
Polyparasitism and its impact on the immune system
Does treatment of intestinal helminth infections influence malaria? Background and methodology of a longitudinal study of clinical, parasitological and immunological parameters in Nangapanda, Flores, Indonesia (ImmunoSPIN Study)
Regulatory T cells in human geohelminth infection suppress immune responses to BCG and Plasmodium falciparum