Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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X-ray polarimetry of X-ray pulsar X Persei
SRG/ART-XC, Swift, NICER, and NuSTAR study of different states of the transient X-ray pulsar MAXI J0903-531
First characterization of a new high-mass X-ray binary in LMC eRASSU J050810.4-660653 with SRG/ART-XC, NuSTAR, and Swift
Changes in the nature of the spectral continuum and stability of the cyclotron line in the X-ray pulsar GRO J2058+42
Losing a minute every two years
X-ray pulsar XTE J1858+034
The unusual behavior of the young X-ray pulsar SXP 1062 during the 2019 outburst
Cyclotron emission, absorption, and the two faces of X-ray pulsar A 0535+262
Study of the X-ray pulsar IGR J19294+1816 with NuSTAR: Detection of cyclotron line and transition to accretion from the cold disk
Observatory science with eXTP
Dramatic spectral transition of X-ray pulsar GX 304-1 in low luminous state