Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Improved electrocatalytic activity of Pt on carbon nanofibers for glucose oxidation mediated by support oxygen groups in Pt perimeter
The Network Zoo
JWST PEARLS. Prime extragalactic areas for reionization and lensing science
JWST's PEARLS: TN J1338-1942
Mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19
High-sensitivity cardiac troponin T and recurrent vascular events after first ischemic stroke
Ultra-rare sarcomas
Characterisation of protein-truncating and missense variants in PALB2 in 15 768 women from Malaysia and Singapore
Circadian disruption by shifting the light-dark cycle negatively affects bone health in mice
Disruption of the Biological Clock Reduces Bone Turnover and Alters Trabecular Architecture and Mineralization
Frequencies and clinical associations of myositis-related antibodies in The Netherlands
Large scale multifactorial likelihood quantitative analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2 variants: An ENIGMA resource to support clinical variant classification
Galectin-9 and CXCL10 as Biomarkers for Disease Activity in Juvenile Dermatomyositis: A Longitudinal Cohort Study and Multicohort Validation
Histopathologic changes inside the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve obtained from patients with persistent symptoms of meralgia paresthetica
Seronegative patients form a distinctive subgroup of immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy
A free-form lensing model of A370 revealing stellar mass dominated BCGs, in Hubble Frontier Fields images
NGC 7679: an anomalous, composite Seyfert 1 galaxy whose X-ray luminous AGN vanishes at optical wavelengths