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Elizarenkova Tat'jana Jakovlevna
Between passive and middle: Evidence from Greek and beyond
28. The syntax of Indic
Proto-Indo-European syntax and its development
Foreword: rethinking perspectives in typology
Quelques notes sur les formes dites ‘itératives’ indo-européennes: le type patayati et les presents redoublés en védique
Oblique case-marking in Indo-Aryan experiencer constructions: historical roots and synchronic variation
The decline of labile syntax in Old Indo-Aryan: A diachronic typological perspective
Typology of labile verbs: Focus on diachrony
Causative formation
Grammaticalization of reciprocal pronouns in Indo-Aryan: Evidence from Sanskrit and Indo-European for a diachronic typology of reciprocal constructions
Traces of castes and other social strata in the Maldives: a case study of social stratification in a diachronic perspective (ethnographic, historic, and linguistic evidence)
Constraints on the causative derivation in early Vedic: Evidence for a diachronic typology of transitivity
Middles and reflexives
