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(81 - 100 of 117)


On final syllables in Slavic
Greek numerals and PIE glottalic consonants
Proto-Indo-European verbal syntax
Demonstrative pronouns in Balto-Slavic, Armenian, and Tocharian
Sravnitel'no-istori^ceskie kommentarii k bolgarskomu udareniju
IE *pt in Slavic
Innovations which betray archaisms
1st sg middle *-H2
Glottalic consonants in Sindhi and Proto-Indo-European
Albanian and Armenian
H2o and oH2
Review of: V.M. Illich-Svitych, Nominal accentuation in Baltic and Slavic
Zur Akzentuierung der Kiever Blätter
Three problems of Balto-Slavic phonology
On the history of the Slavic nasal vowels
Review of: R. L'Hermitte, La phrase nominale en russe
Toward a reconstruction of the Balto-Slavic verbal system
On the history of Slavic accentuation
I.-E. palatovelars before resonants in Balto-Slavic. Recent developments in historical phonology
Proto-Indo-European obstruents
