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TOI-544 b
TOI-199 b: A well-characterized 100 day transiting warm giant planet with TTVs seen from Antarctica
Two warm Neptunes transiting HIP 9618 revealed by TESS and Cheops
TOI-733 b: A planet in the small-planet radius valley orbiting a Sun-like star
TOI-1416: A system with a super-Earth planet with a 1.07 d period
A resonant sextuplet of sub-Neptunes transiting the bright star HD 110067
A hot sub-Neptune in the desert and a temperate super-Earth around faint M dwarfs. Color validation of TOI-4479b and TOI-2081b
Sub-stellar companions of intermediate-mass stars with CoRoT
TOI-2196 b
TOI-2046b, TOI-1181b, and TOI-1516b, three new hot Jupiters from TESS
TOI-1670 b and c
A radial velocity study of the planetary system of pi mensae
TOI-1268b: The youngest hot Saturn-mass transiting exoplanet
The young HD 73583 (TOI-560) planetary system
A pair of sub-Neptunes transiting the bright K-dwarf TOI-1064 characterized with CHEOPS
K2-99 revisited
Large interferometer for exoplanets (LIFE). I. Improved exoplanet detection yield estimates for a large mid-infrared space-interferometer mission
A low-eccentricity migration pathway for a 13-h-period Earth analogue in a four-planet system
TOI-1749: an M dwarf with a trio of planets including near-resonant pair
