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EPIC 219388192b—An Inhabitant of the Brown Dwarf Desert in the Ruprecht 147 Open Cluster
K2-99: a subgiant hosting a transiting warm Jupiter in an eccentric orbit and a long-period companion
Three Super-Earths Transiting the Nearby Star GJ 9827
The Transiting Multi-planet System HD 3167: A 5.7 M _⊕ Super-Earth and an 8.3 M _⊕ Mini-Neptune
EPIC 211391664b: A 32 M _⊕ Neptune-size Planet in a 10 Day Orbit Transiting an F8 Star
K2-31B, a Grazing Transiting Hot Jupiter on a 1.26-day Orbit around a Bright G7V Star
Two Hot Jupiters from K2 Campaign 4
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. XXVII. CoRoT-28b, a planet orbiting an evolved star, and CoRoT-29b, a planet showing an asymmetric transit
Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission. XXVII. CoRoT-28b, a planet orbiting an evolved star, and CoRoT-29b, a planet showing an asymmetric transit
