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Kidney injury molecule-1 staining in renal allograft biopsies 10 days after transplantation is inversely correlated with functioning proximal tubular epithelial cells
Human tolerogenic dendritic cells produce IL-35 in the absence of other IL-12 family members
Phagocytosis of apoptotic or necrotic cells differentially regulates the transcriptional expression of IL-12 family members in dendritic cells
Subsets of human type 2 macrophages show differential capacity to produce reactive oxygen species
Subsets of alternatively activated human macrophages show differential capacity to produce reactive oxygen species
Dexamethasone increases ROS production and T cell suppressive capacity by anti-inflammatory macrophages
A Nonredundant Role for Canonical NF-kappa B in Human Myeloid Dendritic Cell Development and Function
Induction of regulatory T cells by macrophages is dependent on production of reactive oxygen species
Anti-inflammatory macrophages induce regulatory T cells by producing reactive oxygen species