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Direct and indirect exposure to trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, and poor subjective sleep quality in patients with substance use disorder
A Six-Year Prospective Study of the Prognosis and Predictors in Patients With Late-Life Depression
Lifestyle factors and the course of depression in older adults: A NESDO study
Lifestyle factors and the course of depression in older adults: a NESDO study
Electroconvulsive therapy for agitation and aggression in dementia – a systematic review
Effect of chronic somatic diseases on the course of late-life depression
Vascular risk factors in older patients with depression: outcome of electroconvulsive therapy versus medication
Casus Problematisch Alcoholgebruik en Cognitieve Stoornissen
Detecting delirium in elderly outpatients with cognitive impairment
Muzikale hallucinaties
Depression in later life: A more somatic presentation?
Social factors and readmission after inpatient detoxification in older alcohol-dependent patients
Correlates of Alcohol Abstinence and At-Risk Alcohol Consumption in Older Adults with Depression: the NESDO Study
The subscale structure of the Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology Self Report (IDS-SR) in older persons
Clinimetrics and psychometrics: never the twain shall meet? Reply
Phenomenology of depression in older compared with younger adults: meta-analysis