Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Mandatory activation of welfare recipients
The design of welfare
De toereikendheid van pensioenen
Realist Approach to Social Policies (RASP) study to reduce socioeconomic health inequalities through systems change
Households' heterogeneous welfare effects of using home equity for life cycle consumption
Consumption and time use responses to unemployment
Psychological barriers to take-up of healthcare and child support benefits in the Netherlands
Afboeking bijstandsschuld nauwelijks effect op werk en mentale gezondheid
The challenges of transition
De hervorming van het pensioenstelsel
Verhoogt risicopreferentie-onderzoek vertrouwen?
Preferences for in-kind and in-cash home care insurance
The short-run effects of unexpected job loss on health
Nederlanders zijn voor een genereuze én activerende bijstand
The causal effect of retirement on health
Can estimated risk and time preferences explain real-life financial choices?
COVID-19 crisis
Family and government insurance
Employment effects of Incentivized Gradual Retirement plans
