Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Effect of early surgery vs endoscopy-first approach on pain in patients with chronic pancreatitis
Effect of chromoendoscopy in the proximal colon on colorectal neoplasia detection in Lynch syndrome: a multicenter randomized controlled trial
Inflammatory potential of the diet and colorectal tumor risk in persons with Lynch syndrome
Incidence of small bowel neoplasia in Lynch syndrome assessed by video capsule endoscopy
Hereditary cancer registries improve the care of patients with a genetic predisposition to cancer: contributions from the Dutch Lynch syndrome registry
Randomized Comparison of Surveillance Intervals in Familial Colorectal Cancer
Prevalence of small-bowel neoplasia in Lynch syndrome assessed by video capsule endoscopy
Dietary B vitamin and methionine intake and MTHFR C677T genotype on risk of colorectal tumors in Lynch syndrome: the GEOLynch cohort study
Quality colonoscopy and risk of interval cancer in Lynch syndrome
Dietary Supplement Use and Colorectal Adenoma Risk in Individuals with Lynch Syndrome: The GEOLynch Cohort Study
Dietary Patterns and Colorectal Adenomas in Lynch Syndrome The GEOLynch Cohort Study
Quality of Life After Surgery for Colon Cancer in Patients With Lynch Syndrome: Partial Versus Subtotal Colectomy
Smoking Increases the Risk for Colorectal Adenomas in Patients With Lynch Syndrome
Paediatric intestinal cancer and polyposis due to bi-allelic PMS2 mutations: Case series, review and follow-up guidelines
High detection rate of adenomas in familial colorectal cancer
Evaluation of management of desmoid tumours associated with familial adenomatous polyposis in Dutch patients
Body Mass Index Increases Risk of Colorectal Adenomas in Men With Lynch Syndrome: The GEOLynch Cohort Study
One to 2-Year Surveillance Intervals Reduce Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Families With Lynch Syndrome