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Erbb4 deletion from inhibitory interneurons causes psychosis-relevant neuroimaging phenotypes
Primary cutaneous lymphoma: recommendations for clinical trial design and staging update from the ISCL, USCLC, and EORTC
Correction to
European women in neurosurgery: I - a chronology of trailblazers
European women in neurosurgery: II - Historical characters and living legends
3D Modeling of Esophageal Development using Human PSC-Derived Basal Progenitors Reveals a Critical Role for Notch Signaling
Sm-p80-based vaccine trial in baboons: efficacy when mimicking natural conditions of chronic disease, praziquantel therapy, immunization, and Schistosoma mansoni re-encounter
Sm-p80-based vaccine trial in baboons: efficacy when mimicking natural conditions of chronic disease, praziquantel therapy, immunization, and Schistosoma mansoni re-encounter
Protein-altering variants associated with body mass index implicate pathways that control energy intake and expenditure in obesity
A method to decipher pleiotropy by detecting underlying heterogeneity driven by hidden subgroups applied to autoimmune and neuropsychiatric diseases
Cutaneous Lymphoma International Consortium Study of Outcome in Advanced Stages of Mycosis Fungoides and Sezary Syndrome: Effect of Specific Prognostic Markers on Survival and Development of a Prognostic Model
Combining the pan-aurora kinase inhibitor AMG 900 with histone deacetylase inhibitors enhances antitumor activity in prostate cancer
DNA polymorphism and epigenetic marks modulate the affinity of a scaffold/matrix attachment region to the nuclear matrix
Small-molecule screening of PC3 prostate cancer cells identifies tilorone dihydrochloride to selectively inhibit cell growth based on cyclin-dependent kinase 5 expression
Targeting prostate cancer cell lines with polo-like kinase 1 innibitors as a single agent and in combination with histone deacetylase inhibitors
Identification of cetrimonium bromide and irinotecan as compounds with synthetic lethality against NDRG1 deficient prostate cancer cells