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Euclid: The reduced shear approximation and magnification bias for Stage IV cosmic shear experiments
Euclid preparation: VIII. The complete calibration of the colour-redshift relation survey: VLT/KMOS observations and data release
Euclid: The importance of galaxy clustering and weak lensing cross-correlations within the photometric Euclid survey
Euclid preparation. V. Predicted yield of redshift 7 z 9 quasars from the wide survey
Precision calculations of the cosmic shear power spectrum projection
The XXL Survey. I. Scientific motivations - XMM-Newton observing plan - Follow-up observations and simulation programme
CFHTLenS: a Gaussian likelihood is a sufficient approximation for a cosmological analysis of third-order cosmic shear statistics
The galaxy-halo connection from a joint lensing, clustering and abundance analysis in the CFHTLenS/VIPERS field
CFHTLenS: weak lensing constraints on the ellipticity of galaxy-scale matter haloes and the galaxy-halo misalignment
3D cosmic shear: cosmology from CFHTLenS
CFHTLenS: the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey
