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Increased mortality and vascular phenotype in a knock-in mouse model of retinal vasculopathy with cerebral leukoencephalopathy and systemic manifestations
Influence of full-length dystrophin on brain volumes in mouse models of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Influence of full-length dystrophin on brain volumes in mouse models of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Transit time mapping in the mouse brain using time-encoded pCASL
Transit time mapping in the mouse brain using time-encoded pCASL
MRI Mouse Brain Data of Ischemic Lesion after Transient Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion
Automated Ischemic Lesion Segmentation in MRI Mouse Brain Data after Transient Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion
Morphological maturation of the mouse brain: An in vivo MRI and histology investigation
Mass spectrometry imaging as a powerful tool for detailed molecular investigation of brain pathologies: molecular microscope for peroxisomal disorders
Precise Anatomic Localization of Accumulated Lipids in Mfp2 Deficient Murine Brains Through Automated Registration of SIMS Images to the Allen Brain Atlas
Interactive Local Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Whole-Body MRI Mouse Data: A Pilot Study with Applications to Bone and Kidney Metastases
Brain maturation of the adolescent rat cortex and striatum: Changes in volume and myelination
Multi-modal small-animal imaging: image processing challenges and applications
Segmentation and Visual Analysis of Whole-Body Mouse Skeleton microSPECT
Segmentation of Whole-Body microSPECT Mouse Skeleton Scans
Comparison of manual and automatic quantification of bone 99mTc-HDP SPECT/CT mouse scan
Articulated Whole-Body Atlases for Small Animal Image Analysis: Construction and Applications
A method to follow tumor growth and tumor induced bone loss simultaneously over time, in vivo, using whole body bioluminescence fluorescence imaging
Optical advances in skeletal imaging applied to bone metastases
Optical advances in skeletal imaging applied to bone metastases
