Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Investigating circular patterns in linear polarization observations of Venus
The coronagraphic Modal Wavefront Sensor: a hybrid focal-plane sensor for the high-contrast imaging of circumstellar environments
Polarization modeling and predictions for DKIST part 2: application of the Berreman calculus to spectral polarization fringes of beamsplitters and crystal retarders
BP Piscium: its flaring disc imaged with SPHERE/ZIMPOL*
Three Years of SPHERE: The Latest View of the Morphology and Evolution of Protoplanetary Discs
On-sky Performance Analysis of the Vector Apodizing Phase Plate Coronagraph on MagAO/Clio2
Search for an exosphere in sodium and calcium in the transmission spectrum of exoplanet 55 Cancri e
The Hera Saturn entry probe mission
The Hera Saturn entry probe mission
Dusty tails of evaporating exoplanets. II. Physical modelling of the KIC 12557548b light curve
Design trade-off and proof of concept for LOUPE, the Lunar Observatory for Unresolved Polarimetry of Earth
The Hera Saturn entry probe mission
Direct detection of scattered light gaps in the transitional disk around HD 97048 with VLT/SPHERE
Combining high-dispersion spectroscopy with high contrast imaging: Probing rocky planets around our nearest neighbors
Use of neural networks in ground-based aerosol retrievals from multi-angle spectropolarimetric observations
Magnetic field topology and chemical spot distributions in the extreme Ap star HD 75049
Magnetic field topology and chemical spot distributions in the extreme Ap star HD 75049
Imaging the circumstellar environment of the young T Tauri star SU Aurigae
Analysis and interpretation of 15 quarters of Kepler data of the disintegrating planet KIC 12557548 b
Instrumental polarisation at the Nasmyth focus of the E-ELT
