Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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SEM-based out-of-sample predictions
Testing for response shift in treatment evaluation of change in self-reported psychopathology amongst secondary psychiatric care outpatients
Testing for response shift in treatment evaluation of change in self‐reported psychopathology amongst secondary psychiatric care outpatients
Detecting treatment-subgroup interactions in clustered data with generalized linear mixed-effects model trees
Detecting treatment-subgroup interactions in clustered data with generalized linear mixed-effects model trees
Differences in quality-of-life dimensions of Adult Strabismus Quality of Life and Amblyopia & Strabismus Questionnaires
Psychometric Properties of the Leiden Index of Depression Sensitivity (LEIDS)
Psychometric Properties of the Leiden Index of Depression Sensitivity (LEIDS)
Stochastic curtailment of questionnaires for three-level classification: Shortening the CES-D for assessing low, moderate, and high risk of depression
Connecting Clinical and Actuarial Prediction With Rule-Based Methods
Connecting clinical and actuarial prediction with rule-based methods
Combining Decision Trees and Stochastic Curtailment for Assessment Length Reduction of Test Batteries Used for Classification