Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Jumps in the height of the Ceresa cycle
Heights on curves and limits of Hodge structures
Computing heights via limits of Hodge structures
Rings of tautological forms on moduli spaces of curves
Tropical moments of tropical Jacobians
Faltings height and Néron–Tate height of a theta divisor
Metric graphs, cross ratios, and Rayleigh’s laws
Chern-Weil and Hilbert-Samuel formulae for singular Hermitian line bundles
Frobenius’ theta function and Arakelov invariants in genus three
Faltings delta-invariant and semistable degeneration
Singularities of the biextension metric for families of abelian varieties
On the height of Gross-Schoen cycles in genus three
Néron-Tate heights of cycles on jacobians
Positivity of the height jump divisor
Néron models and the height jump divisor
Diverse stellar haloes in nearby Milky Way mass disc galaxies
Evaluation of an oral uracil loading test to identify DPD-deficient patients using a limited sampling strategy
Extragalactic archeology with the GHOSTS Survey. I. Age-resolved disk structure of nearby low-mass galaxies
The GHOSTS survey - II. The diversity of halo colour and metallicity profiles of massive disc galaxies
The GHOSTS survey - II. The diversity of halo colour and metallicity profiles of massive disc galaxies
