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FAUST. VII. Detection of a hot corino in the prototypical warm Carbon-chain chemistry source IRAS 15398-3359
The near infrared imager and slitless spectrograph for JWST
Searching for forming planets embedded in protoplanetary disks with JWST/NIRCam
Gap opening and inner disk structure in the strongly accreting transition disk of DM Tau
Two rings and a marginally resolved, 5 au disk around LkCa 15 identified via near-infrared sparse aperture masking interferometry
Chemical and physical characterization of the isolated protostellar source CB68: FAUST IV
Water in star-forming regions
Water in star-forming regions: physics and chemistry from clouds to disks as probed by Herschel spectroscopy
The formation of planetary systems with SPICA
Dual-wavelength ALMA observations of dust rings in protoplanetary disks
VLA cm-wave survey of young stellar objects in the Oph A cluster: constraining extreme UV- and X-ray-driven disk photoevaporation. A pathfinder for Square Kilometre Array studies
Compact Disks in a High-resolution ALMA Survey of Dust Structures in the Taurus Molecular Cloud
Observational constraints on dust disk sizes in tidally truncated protoplanetary disks in multiple systems in the Taurus region
The newborn planet population emerging from ring-like structures in discs
Ring structure in the MWC 480 disk revealed by ALMA
The JCMT Transient Survey: An Extraordinary Submillimeter Flare in the T Tauri Binary System JW 566
The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: A First Look at the Auriga-California Molecular Cloud with SCUBA-2
