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Long-term outcome of immediate versus Postponed Intervention in Patients With Infected Necrotizing Pancreatitis (POINTER)
Executive functioning in antisocial behavior
Neuropsychological assessment of aggressive offenders
Overuse and misuse of antibiotics and the clinical consequence in necrotizing pancreatitis study
Cost-effectiveness analysis of increased adalimumab dose intervals in Crohn's disease patients in stable remission
Increased versus conventional adalimumab dose interval for patients with Crohn's disease in stable remission (LADI)
Patient selection for urgent endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography by endoscopic ultrasound in predicted severe acute biliary pancreatitis (APEC-2)
Psychosociale en cognitieve verschillen tussen Caribische en Nederlandse gedetineerden
Superior effectiveness of tofacitinib compared to vedolizumab in anti-TNF-experienced ulcerative colitis patients
Superior effectiveness of tofacitinib compared to vedolizumab in anti-TNF-experienced ulcerative colitis patients
Superior effectiveness of tofacitinib compared to vedolizumab in anti-TNF-experienced ulcerative colitis patients
Emotional Rapid Response Impulsivity in Incarcerated Men and Non-Incarcerated Controls
Endoscopic versus surgical step-up approach for infected necrotizing pancreatitis (ExTENSION):
Endoscopic versus surgical step-up approach for infected necrotizing pancreatitis (ExTENSION)
Ustekinumab for Crohn's disease
Immediate versus Postponed Intervention for Infected Necrotizing Pancreatitis
Health outcomes of 1000 children born to mothers with inflammatory bowel disease in their first 5 years of life
Comorbidity, not patient age, is associated with impaired safety outcomes in vedolizumab- and ustekinumab-treated patients with inflammatory bowel disease-a prospective multicentre cohort study
